Lesson Information.

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First lesson / Introductory lesson: 

Regular lesson:

Average number of lessons usually required:

Note on number of lessons:

Like learning a new language, a few lessons are required to reach a level of understanding and mastery of body movements.

However, lessons continue to build on previous skills so benefits from each lesson will be noticeable.

What to expect:

Initial lesson:
During this lesson we will start off with a brief history of your current
issue and any previous treatments you have had for this.
We will start with observing your position in sitting and build up instructions on creating movements that bring your body into its full length and width. The aim is to learn ways to move that are in keeping with your body’s biomechanical design to build up strength, efficiency and balance in order to reduce pain and prevent injury.
Lying down work on a firm massage table is sometimes integrated into the session with some light hand guidance but no manipulations.

We will use feedback from mirrors and video recordings*
Recordings during lessons will be given to you and is an important part of the process for review and practice between lessons.

• Subsequent lessons:
We will continue to build upon the movements of the previous week.
These basic movements can be integrated into all activities and we will look at areas that you are interested in or that increase pain / discomfort.

What to wear:

It is important to wear comfortable clothing that you are able to move in easily.
Trousers/ leggings / shorts are preferable to skirts.
Lessons usually involve taking the shoes off so bring some warm socks
if you wish.

Cancellation policy:

If you know you are unable to keep your appointment, please call up to cancel.
If cancelling within 24 hours, a cancellation fee may be charged as it may be too late to fill your appointment slot.

*Note on video recording:

This may be uncomfortable for some people but can be very useful as a feedback to see the effect of instructions on your movements. Recordings are strictly for private use only.





Client Testimonials

My Alexander Technique sessions with Dr Ruth Clarnette were extremely helpful. The one-to-one nature of these lessons allowed me to focus on my own unique postural patterns without the distraction of others in a class. Ruth was very perceptive and gentle in her recommendations of how to adopt new postural positions and movement patterns. These suggestions have been helpful in leading me to "zone in" to muscles where I was carrying too much or unnecessary tension; or where I have developed an unhelpful protective pattern to avoid pain. Alexander Technique training is very helpful in reducing and correcting the negative impact of long-term protective patterns which can actually exacerbate pain. I can recommend these sessions for anyone with chronic pain who is interested in reassessing how their body has developed unhelpful postural patterns. Dr Ruth Clarnette is an excellent Alexander Technique Instructor.

Lyn G, Nov 2022

Thank you Ruth! I tried everything to fix my back pain and nothing worked, but your lessons have given me lasting relief. I am not someone who usually leaves reviews but I recommend Ruth to anyone who is reading this.

T Livermore, Jan 2023